Track 1: Extracts from the first two verses of "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by S. T. Coleridge: a vocal sound journey into the deepest and highest ranges of the human voice, directed by Paul Silber and Clara Silber Harris of the Roy Hart Theatre, during a series of voice workshops. The role of the mariner is vocalised by Paul Silber.

Tracks 2-6
: Extended range vocal works from workshops directed by Paul Silber (3, 4 and 5) and Clara Silber Harris (2 and 6)



The Albatross
















Track 1: The Albatross - 22'11"

Track 2: Eastern Sunrise - 1'58"
Track 3: Suspense - 2'01"
Track 4: Mystery - 4'06"
Track 5: Tug of War - 4'56"
Track 6: Sunset - 4'16"

Total running time: 39'32"




Paul Silber's index page

Albatross text page

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