Ralf Peters, a Roy Hart Theatre voice teacher and artist with much experience. He works mainly in Köln where he lives with his wife, Agnes. He is a much appreciated vocal performer, and a director of theatre pieces. Currently directing and appearing in "Muttersprachen" playing to capacity houses in Köln.


Ralf Peters teaches in Germany, mainly in Köln and Berlin, and occasionally in Switzerland and France. He also gives individual lessons, regular voice groups and an open voice group for men. He also gives open workshops from two to five days. Often he works on these projects together with his wife, Agnes Pollner. Many of the people he works with are artists looking for their artistic approachs to their voices. Others of his students are people who are interested in the voice for a number of other reasons. Ralf has been trained as a voice teacher mainly through the work of Paul and Clara Silber from the Roy Hart Theatre. His other teachers include Jonathan Hart Makwaia and Rosemary Quinn.

,,,,,,....Ralf Peters, the actor, has been looking ever since 2000 for the language of the extended voice. In his performances and concerts his artistic aim has been to present the current state of development in his own voice - as he has shown in these his performances :

,,,,,,,,"ImproVoice for voice solo", (2001 and 2010)
,,,,,,,,"mass for voice solo" (2003)
,,,,,,,,"Ohne strom" three performances for piano wires and voice (together with Terry Fox 2004)
,,,,,,,,"The passions of the soul" for voice and stethoscope (2005, 2007).

,,,,,,,,,In the above solo performances, he works very much in the tradition of Roy Hart. His vocal presentations are an extension of his own work on his voice.

.........He is also working with text and lyrics, in giving readings and performances in poetry, for example in 'Rilke' "Sonnets to Orpheus", this was as a soloist. He also works in duet with the French voice performer Agnès Tuvache in the German and French languages.

....... He works with his wife, Agnes Pollner as the directors of the theatre project "Muttersprachen" (2009) in which 15 voice artists created a voice performance on the subject of mothers and the language of Köln.

........He is the president of the association "Stimmfeld-Verein" in Köln, Germany. This association has been created to support the voice work of Alfred Wolfsohn and Roy Hart.

,,,,,,,,In 2008, they organized the first Cologne Conference on the human voice, the title was "Alfred Wolfsohn: die menschliche Stimme" (Alfred Wolfsohn: the human voice). They have now started to organize the next conference on the second human voice conference in Cologne due to open in the spring of 2011. This conference is designed to support artists in their work on future vocal theatre projects.

........As a doctor of Philosophy, Ralf Peters writes about his experiences in his work on the voice. His book "Wege zur Stimme" is available for purchase. He also gives lectures on the subjects of the artistic, the philosophical and the pedagogical aspects of the human voice.

Ralf Peters Malerargues 2010



Ralf Peters










































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