A memorial day at Malérargues
to celebrate the memories of Rossignol, Robert, Liza and Kozana,
19th July 2010
Exhibits of photos, paintings and sculptures are installed within the Château
Visitors arrive
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Natacha sings for Liza;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;The memorial walk begins
::::::::::::::::: Carol and Orly sing for Coco: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.....;;;;;;;;;; Celebratory songs and poems are offered in clearings in the woodland
;;;;;;;;;;;;; on his newly installed bench
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"Gracias a la vida" on Kozana's grave from her pupils :::::::::::::............;;;;;;;;;;.....::::: Moving memorials at the Resting Place
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::The different generations enjoy lunch: Zwaantje, Sheila Braggins, Kaya ...... and Mariana and Alice
:The Archives room offers some celebratory images with computer and DVD backing.
And with these photos, a brief glimpse of a moving and heart-filled day.
Thank you to Saule, Elena and all the many helpers.